The Tri-Cast slat is a reliable cast-iron floor system for gestation sows.
The slats are available in various standard lengths up to 2,000 mm. self supporting. The Tri-Cast slats are made of high-quality Australian cast-iron and are strong, ductile and, especially, durable.The V-shaped bars in the Tri-Cast slat give excellent manure drainage and therefore reduce ammonia. Moreover, the surface is easy to clean. These factors ensure excellent hygiene.
An alternating high-low profile creates a perfect anti slip standing surface for the sows. Tri-Cast slats offer optimal lying comfort. The Tri-Cast slats for sows have 15 mm standard bar and slot widths. The slats are available in various standard lengths.
The slatted floor is easy to install in a standard position or a combined position (parallel to the passage) with a steel support. The optimal standard seating is 25 mm. For deviating pit dimensions, slatted floors can be customised lengthwise and widthwise. Like Tri-Bar slatted floors, Tri-Cast slatted floor systems can be combined perfectly with solid concrete areas.